PHYSICAL FITNESS is the first thing considered, although I think, this is not a requirement in climb since most mountains in the Philippines can be climbed by an ordinary person. wwhat matters most for me is the GUTS. As long as you have it, you can't let your physical condition let you down. Yes, you read it right, although your not that though, you can still climb a Philippine mountain. It is just a matter or Guts and determination to continue, slower though, but you will still be able to achieve success. Regardless, here are some tips to help you prepare your physical fitness:
*MOUNTAIN CLIMBING-According to Sir Gideon Lasco of Pinoymountaineer, the best exercise in mountaineering is mountaineering since the actual experiences train your muscles of not just lifting your body for a travel, but also your baggage and the tension created by higher sea level. Not to mention that in addition, your mindset up in acting in the terrains will be practiced (Not applicable for unexperienced).
*CHECK YOUR DIET-This may not be a big factor to think for some but, in the contrary, this can contribute to your performance when it comes to a climb. Carbohydrates can be your energy source so some take a program like athletes esp. in boxing, wherein in a week before they are exhaust their and lessen the intake of the mentioned. This is done until the middle of the week, then, they take so much carbo. As a result, the muscle take so much carbohydrates due to its starvation to the later. Next is the potassium level, low on this causes the muscle cramps as they contract when there are no more potassium due to heavy perspiration.
*MEDICAL CONDITION-If you have medical concerns, better consult your pedia before going into a climb since you can be a liability to the group if you persisted to climb despite of health problems.

*OBJECTIVES- This is composed of two things NATURE and PURPOSE.
**NATURE is about the difficulty of the climb. There are two specific categories of a climb and they are as follows:
1. MINOR CLIMBS: Mountains that could easily be trekked with an average of 2-6 hours of easy trek.
2. MAJOR CLIMBS: Mountains with higher degree of difficulty with an average of 7 hours to 3 days of trek. But usually, this climbs are more favored by mountaineers to test their skills to conquer challenges and discover more secrets of mother nature.
**PURPOSE is about your goal in your climb. Four categories are as follows:
1. TRAINING CLIMBS:These are climbs with an intention of preparing for future harder climbs. Some large organizations requires ladder of Training climbs as pre-requisite of a certain climb before accepting participant to the said event.
2. CLEAN UP CLIMBS:The primary goal of these climbs is to help preserve the mountains and to lessen the impact caused by the visitors of the said, which might mean bringing down the garbages left by unoriented and indiscriminate climbers. Tree planting is also a clean up climb as its purpose is to lessen the proneness of soil erosion of a mountain.
3. GUIDESHIP CLIMBS:These are climbs where you are accompanying other persons, its either you are paid by clients or helping a friend.
4. EXPLORATORY CLIMBS:These are climbs where in no established trails and routes or ascended for the first time. These demands a great preparations and planning.

1. TEAM LEADER(TL)-Selected by familiarity with the mountain and leadership, the TL is responsible in decision making esp. for the safety of the group.
2. THE SWEEPER(TAIL)-Responsible for bringing up the rear, the tail is the second responsible person, should have the ability to motivate people and has the familiarity with the mountain.
3. CONTACT PERSON-The contact person should know the itinerary of the climb and should be present in the pre-climb meeting. His should be available 24hours for activating the rescue team in case of emergency.
4. THE MEDIC-A member with a knowledge of first aid techniques and responsible in bringing first aid kit.
*BUDGET/MEALS/TRAIL FOOD-Check the possible expenses and budget with provisions to avoid any problems when it comes to the travel. Meals and Trail foods consideration should be part of budget. Also, we must know what are advisable and not advisable meals on that area.
Now check your things!
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